Dreamscapes Travel & Lifestyle

Spring 2013

Dreamscapes Travel & Lifestyle Magazine

Issue link: http://read.dreamscapes.ca/i/138460

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CHOOSE TO STAND OUT AND FIT EVERYTHING IN. Fit seven passengers comfortably without cramping your style in a new Infiniti JX. It's the only luxury crossover with an ingenious second row that slides and tilts even with a child seat installed. So you can effortlessly access the third row. The 7-passenger Infiniti JX. Choose to be inspired. T B t P B 2013 INFINITI JX Join Infiniti Canada on infiniti.ca ®The INFINITI names, logos, product names, feature names, and slogans are trademarks owned by or licensed to Nissan Motor Co. Ltd., and/or its North American subsidiaries.

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