Dreamscapes Travel & Lifestyle

Fall/Winter 2022

Dreamscapes Travel & Lifestyle Magazine

Issue link: http://read.dreamscapes.ca/i/1481873

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Page 22 of 63

FALL/ WINTER 2022 DREAMSCAPES 23 Go on an adventure Tahiti is a treasure for adventure seekers, too. Come 2024, this mythical destination will play host to the Paris Summer Olympics surfing competitions, so you're guar- anteed plenty of places to ride if you're a surfer. While beneath the waves there's another magical adventure for unbeatable diving. For instance, in Fakarava you have a chance to encounter a wall of sharks but don't worry, these grey reef sharks won't biteā€”not to mention colourful coral, manta rays and huge groupers. Water activities also include whale watching, snorkelling and paddling va'a Polynesian outrigger canoes. On land, view spectacular vistas on island hikes, especially in the Marquesas. Or if you really want to be a trendsetter, Makatea, home to an abandoned phosphate mine, is vying for rock climbing super status with 100 climbing routes of varying difficulties. DS TRAVEL PLANNER For more Islands of Tahiti travel information visit tahititourisme.ca i Must Try For treasured libations you won't find anywhere else, try Vin de Tahiti coral wine. The grapes for this refreshing golden-coloured wine are grown on a coral reef in Ran- giroa, an hour's flight from Papeete.

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