Dreamscapes Travel & Lifestyle Magazine
Issue link: http://read.dreamscapes.ca/i/1510030
FALL/ WINTER 2023 DREAMSCAPES 45 PHOTOS: UNSPLASH/CAMERON WEBB | UNSPLASH/EVAN KRAUSE | UNSPLASH/ASHIM D'SILVA | UNSPLASH/JANE STROEBEL | UNSPLASH/ALAIN GEHRI | UNSPLASH/ROLANDS VARSBERGS Finally, another mosquito-borne disease that appears to be expanding includes Japanese encephalitis—carried by mosquitoes that breed in stagnant water—which occurs in many Asian countries but has recently been reported across southern Australia where the effects of climate change are believed to be a key driver. SKIRTING SKEETERS AND THEIR DISEASES According to Dr. Wayne Ghesquiere, an infectious diseases and internal medicine specialist based in Victoria, B.C., anyone planning to travel to West or East Africa, Oceania, Japan, India, parts of Southeast Asia and South America should seek professional advice months before boarding the plane. Malaria prophylaxis, for example, combined with preven- tative measures such as repellent and bed-netting are an effective way of reducing the risk of malaria, the deadliest of the mosquito-borne diseases. Armed with the latest data and entry requirements, experts can identify which zones of Africa and South America require a vaccine certificate for yellow fever. Interestingly, Dr. Ghesquiere divides travellers into two groups: vacationers and VFR (Visiting Friends and Rela- tives)—those who have moved to Canada and are returning to their homeland. Too often, the latter is lulled into thinking they carry natural immunities to certain diseases and do not take appropriate preventative measures. Not surprisingly, both groups benefit from a professional risk assessment. DON'T BE PART OF A MOSQUITO'S ALL-INCLUSIVE BUFFET Michael Boivin, a pharmacist in Barrie, Ontario agrees that, in the absence of vaccines for many mosquito-borne ill- nesses, prevention is the best solution. The best defence against disease is to minimize bites to begin with. A common mistake travellers make, he believes, is that they simply don't consider the risk. "They think, 'hey I'm going to a 5-star resort, I'll be fine,' but mosquitoes don't care." Boivin makes a good point; scientists refer to bug bites as their way of obtaining a "blood meal" so it's fitting to think you are potentially part of a mosquito's all-inclusive buffet. HOW DO YOU STAY OFF THE MENU? Repellent, proper clothing, and good ol' common sense. Boivin recommends using insect repellent containing DEET or icaridin. On average 30% DEET is effective for up to 6.5 hours. Boivin also recommends covering up. Wear full- length, loose-fitting, light-coloured pants and long-sleeve shirts for further protection. ONCE HOME, SEEK HELP IF YOU FEEL SICK Different diseases present different symptoms, but Dr. Ghesquiere advises seeking medical advice if you develop a fever within up to three months of travelling, diarrhea or any kind of respiratory symptoms up to six months after returning. He emphasizes the importance of telling your healthcare provider that you have travelled, and when and where. Indeed, an ounce of prevention against an insect that weighs a mere 2.5 milligrams could mean a ton of happy memories of your vacation. DS