Dreamscapes Travel & Lifestyle

Winter 2015/2016

Dreamscapes Travel & Lifestyle Magazine

Issue link: http://read.dreamscapes.ca/i/606819

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Page 23 of 63

DREAMSCAPES WINTER 2015/2016 24 FLORIDA: A LAND OF ENCHANTMENT S P E C I A L T R A V E L F E A T U R E The tropical colours are deeper and more vivid. The breezes are sweeter and caressing. The sun is softer and friendlier. The golf courses, waterways and natural wonders are more inviting than ever. Families flock to entertainment venues, such as SeaWorld Orlando and Busch Gardens Tampa. And calendars fill up with cultural events and festivals. Warm your toes on Greater Fort Lauderdale's 37 kilometres of sun-kissed beaches. Greater Fort Lauderdale CVB COME WINTER AND SPRING, FLORIDA BLOSSOMS INTO A LAND OF ENCHANTMENT!

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