ThE Royal
a canadIan TRadITIon
b y J o h n r i d o u t
classy coMPETITIons.
cool cElEbRITIEs.
chEFs' challEnGEs.
tHe world'S beSt Strut
tHeir Stuff at toronto'S
annual royal
fair tHiS noveMber.
our generations of my family
have been taking this annual
trip to the big city to partake
of the country life. and every
year, I'm newly amazed at
the freshness of the food, fun
and faces. For 10 days at the start of the
canadian winter, the Royal agricultural
Winter Fair warms visitors in new and his-
toric structures at Toronto's Exhibition
Place. a great destination for exploring rural
culture, it entices more than 300,000 visitors
annually who include animal-lovers, foodies
and competition junkies.
"The Royal is the world's largest com-
bined indoor agricultural and equestrian
show," says Karen Poncelet, the Fair's man-
ager of Marketing communications and
community Relations. "It is more than just
entertainment; it is also a unique learning
experience, with 10 education centres offer-
ing continuous agricultural programming
and demonstrations geared to children,
youth and adults." she points out that guests
will find more than 5,000 animals, unique
shopping, world-class competitions and five-
star dining.
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