he combination of outdoor adventure and big-city sophisti-
cation was a heady adventure for the senses. It's also what
makes the dual island country of Trinidad and Tobago a
truly unique caribbean destination.
craving untamed nature, the way the caribbean was before mega-resort devel-
opments hit, I began my explorations on the island of Tobago. just a quick
20-minute flight from Trinidad, it's small in size but rich in natural resources
with pristine beaches, old-growth tropical rainforest and coral reefs custom-
made for snorkelling.
First up was a swim in the warm waters of Pigeon Point heritage Park, the
island's best-known beach. Its white-sand beaches were free of crowds; my only
swimming companions a mother and her young child. a beach bar offered toes-
in-the-sand relaxation as well as a hearty lunch buffet featuring Trinidadian
dishes, such as stewed pigeon peas, macaroni pie and pelau, a savory one-pot rice
dish made with caramelized chicken.
TRInIdad and TobaGo
aWay FRoM ThE cRoWds
e d i t o r i a l a n d p h o t o g r a p h y b y m i C h e l e p e t e r s o n
aS i lifted a Spoonful
of creaMy daSHeen Soup
topped witH crabMeat
to My MoutH, and Gazed
at tHe Glitterati arriv-
inG for tHe trinidad +
filM feStival,
it waS Hard to iMaGine
tHat earlier tHat day i'd
been HikinG a waterfall
trail in an old-GrowtH
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