oF WaR and PEacE
hey lash the fl ag fl uttering atop the Peace
Tower, now at half-staff as Remembrance
day dawns. They reverberate in the bass
drums of the band marching down
Wellington street.
They lay down a sound track that is
duet to a piper's lament, a bugle's weeping, a cannon's
throaty roar. They seep into the bones of the thousands
waiting to remember, stamping their feet for warmth
behind the barriers on Elgin street, they carry errant snow-
fl akes onto the berets of shivering veterans.
They buffet the walls of the War Museum, moaning
as if in sympathy with the strains of a choir wafting ethe-
really through the cavernous expanse of lebreton Gallery
on november 11 the winds of war blow unabated.
In commemoration of the 75
anniversary of The
Response, the national War Memorial created by Vernon
March in confederation square located in the heart of
downtown ottawa, canadian heritage has unveiled the
2014 Plaza bridge Photo Exhibit, which showcases 18
large-scale images until mid-october.
coMe noveMber tHe ottawa windS are cold and briSk.
a buFFET oF
b y m a r k s t e v e n s
Thousands gather in
Ottawa to remember
the fallen on
Remembrance Day.
sharon Matthews-stevens
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